Pipe Welder

360 Industrial Services | Marinette, WI

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This job is hiring at a future date. Apply now to get your name on the hiring list.
Posted Date 9/27/2024

360X Staffing is hiring for Pipe Welders with experience working on shipyards or other relatable industrial fabrication faciltiies. Ideal candidate will have no issues passing weld test.

Pipe Welders – All TIG- MUST have Copper Nickel (CUNI) experience.
6G, Open Root - CUNI
6G, Open Root - Carbon Steel
6G, Open Root - Stainless Steel
6G, Open Root - Aluminum
Socket - Carbon Steel to CUNI Pipe
Socket - Carbon Steel to Stainless Steel Pipe
Socket - Carbon Steel to Carbon Steel Pipe
Socket - Stainless Steel to Stainless Steel Pipe
Socket - CUNI to CUNI Pipe


To Apply download our app 360X JOBS, visit our website https://axis.360xstaffing.com/employee-portal/register or call us at 920-599-8159 to schedule an interview today!

Salary33.00 Hour
Per Diem
Per Diem Offered
Per Diem Amount
Hrs per week
Project length
12 months
NEW FEATURE: Build interest in your upcoming jobs by listing a future hire date.
Hiring on future date?

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